Friday, July 10, 2009

Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage

love marriage
Resembles procedural programming language. We have some set of functions like flirting, going to movies together, making long conversations on phone and then try to fit all functions to the candidate we like.

arrange marriage
Similar to object oriented programming approach. We first fix the candidate and then try to implement functions on her. The functions are added to supplement the main program. The functions can be added or deleted.

love marriage
Family system hangs because hardware (called Parents) is not responding.

Arranged Marriage
Compatible with hardware( Parents).

love marriage
You are the project leader so u are responsible for implementation and execution of PROJECT- married life.

Arranged Marriage
You are a team member under project leader (parents) so they are responsible for successful execution of project Married life.

love marriage
Client expectations include exciting feature as spouse cooking food, washing clothes etc.

Arranged Marriage
All these features are covered in the SRS (System Req. Specification) as required features.

love marriage
Love Marriage is like Windows, beautiful n seductive.... Yet one never knows when it will crash....

Arranged Marriage
Arranged Marriage is like Unix .... boring n colorless... still extremely reliable n robust.

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